This has definitely been the worst week I've had in a while. It started off working an extra day Monday, where I proceeded to try and set the clinic on fire with a forgotten bag of popcorn in the microwave. I'm sure everyone was wondering why their animals went home smelling like burned popcorn. I'm still trying to get the smell out of my clothes.
Tuesday was rather uneventful with the exception of the huge dog that needed radiographs, and then I had to try and lug him around under anesthesia after he soaked himself in urine from the premedication. I smelled wonderous. At least Cosworth was impressed when I came home!
Wednesday I darn near spontaneously combusted. I forgot to put the recycling out, there were two crazy dogs, one barked all day long, the other paced. While coming out of anesthesia, the pacer did a huge number 2, and paced in it before i could get her out of there. She then proceeded to pace all over my feet, and rub on my legs, leaving me again, smelling wonderous for the day. I was about to cry then. I came home to process some photos that were intended for DVD photo albums for Christmas gifts when I relized I forgot to turn in my STAP form for school which will save us $260 on my class fees. Thats when my gasket blew.
Drew called me in sick on thursday, so to speak. He called and let them know that I really needed a day off to catch up. I'm still behind on Christmas, hadn't even started homework yet, and the house is a disaster. They called me later and gave me the day off. I spent all day doing homework and processing photo and working on Christmas stuff. On a happy note, I lost 3.5 pounds this week.. yahoo!
Friday, concluded the week (I hope) by me waking up with an odd rash on my hands. Fluid filled bumps and alligator like skin. It must have been stress induced, and I wouldn't be surprised. I ran some errands, and processed some more photos. I was doing that when my computer froze up and wouldn't do anything. No Ctrl Alt Del would work, I couldn't unfreeze it, just stuck, so I was forced to reboot by holding the power button. All rebooted fine, started up, opened photoshop, and proceeded to open my pictures folder.... "the disk in drive F: is not formatted". Oh no.
Sure enough, the harddrive crashed and my pictures folder is missing. All 200 some odd photos I processed, gone. All of our Spain Pics, Gone. Thankfully I had backed up a couple of months ago, so about 75% of the pics are saved, but the rest... gone. I'm running a recovery program to hope that I can get the ones that are lost on the Harddrive back.
A few good things happened this week. I got our renters insurance taken care of, and my camera equipment covered. I've got TWO Stampin' Up orders coming, one personal, one for stamp club, and I am almost done with Christmas gifts, except for the Christmas photo ones. Hopefully everything else goes without a hitch!
That is the story of my week. I hope yours was much better! :)
Happy Holidays!